Release v0.8.0 notes

May 5, 2023 by qbart ‐ 1 min read

Newest release brings small addition to how actions are run. Consider following scenario when you want to create database and assign owner. Normally action is defined as follows:

action "db" "create" {
  arguments {
    arg "name" {
      description = "Database name"

    arg "user" {
      description = "Database user"

  sql = "CREATE DATABASE {{  }} OWNER {{ .Args.user }}"

Run action:

krab action db create -name animals -user api

This will fail with CREATE DATABASE cannot run inside a transaction block SQL state: 25001.

Actions can accept transaction attribute that determines how action is run. New action would take the following form:

action "db" "create" {
  arguments {
    arg "name" {
      description = "Database name"

    arg "user" {
      description = "Database user"

  transaction = false
  sql         = "CREATE DATABASE {{  }} OWNER {{ .Args.user }}"

transaction = false will disable transaction (similiary how migrations can be run) and action should run without an error.

release krab actions