
The gen migration command generates empty migration file.


krab gen migration -name [ref] [column1:type ... columnN:type]


  • ref - name of the migration reference
  • column:type - column definitions separated by space

Special arguments

Instead of specifying column:type you can use built-in syntax sugar:

  • id - will generate id as a bigint column as an identity with primary key
  • timestamps - will generate created_at and updated_at column pair with timestamp with time zone type


This will create new migration file $KRAB_DIR/db/migrations/[YYYYMMDD]_[HHMMSS]create_maps.krab.hcl with empty structure.

krab gen migration -name create_maps

File content:

migration "create_maps" {
  version = "YYYMMDD_HHMMSS"

  up {

  down {

With arguments:

krab gen migration -name create_maps id name:varchar project_id:bigint timestamps

File content:

migration "create_maps" {
  version = "YYYMMDD_HHMMSS"

  up {
    create_table "maps" {
      column "id" "bigint" {
        identity {}
      column "name" "varchar" {}
      column "project_id" "bigint" {}
      column "created_at" "timestamptz" {
        null = false
      column "updated_at" "timestamptz" {
        null = false
      primary_key {
        columns = ["id"]

  down {
    drop_table "maps" {}